WordPress security copy

The importance of security copies for WordPress sites

How do you keep your site secure on WordPress? Find out why copywriting is key and how to avoid potential risks.

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Why is a WordPress security copy crucial?

Every website owner knows how important it is to secure data. In the case of WordPress This is particularly important as it is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) in the world. Unfortunately, with its popularity also comes a greater risk of hacker attacks.

Having WordPress security copy is a fundamental part of website management. Without regular copies, you can lose valuable data, not only through attacks, but also through server failure or user error. In Poznań, where I run my business, I notice that many companies neglect this aspect, which exposes them to serious consequences.

Backup best practice

Management WordPress security copy is not only a question of making the copy itself, but also of planning the process. Here are some principles to consider:

  • Regularity: Establish a schedule that works for your site - it could be daily, weekly or monthly.
  • Storage: Ensure that your backups are stored in different locations. An example would be a local device and an external cloud service.
  • Testing: Test your backups regularly. Without this, you are not sure if they will be useful when you need them.

Backup tools

There are a number of plug-ins and services that can help automate and manage WordPress security copies. Here are some of them:

  • UpdraftPlus: Allows you to create and restore copies with a single click. Automatic copies can also be scheduled.
  • BackWPup: Allows you to automate the creation of copies and store them in the cloud, on FTP, etc.
  • VaultPress: A complete real-time backup service designed by the developers of WordPress.

What data is worth including in a backup?

Creating an effective WordPress security copy requires the inclusion of various elements of the website. Here is what should be included in any copy:

  • Database: Includes all posts, pages, comments, etc.
  • Files: Themes, plug-ins and uploaded media files.
  • File wp-config.php: Contains important settings for WordPress configuration.

Examples of failure and benefits of having a backup

Having a backup has saved sites from serious losses on more than one occasion. Here are some examples where a copy was crucial:

  • Hacking attack: The site has been attacked and accessed by malware.
  • Server failure: The server hosting the site crashed severely, resulting in data loss.
  • User error: Through accidental deletion of files or incorrect updates.

One of the most important steps to secure your website is also virus protection. I invite you to read the article How to Protect Your Site from a WordPress Virus.

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